What the Diet Industry Isn't Telling You About Weight Loss

At any one time, more than half of US residents are trying to lose weight. As total body weight increases and diseases that are related to higher weight, many people think that diet is their only option for good health. Unfortunately, anyone who wants to reduce does not make it healthy. Weight loss is an industry worth over $ 60 billion in the United States, and much of this industry is dedicated to selling products instead of protecting the health of people. Here's an overview of what you may not know about weight loss.

Types of weight loss techniques

There are many methods to try to lose weight. Restriction regimes are among the most advertised. These include calorie restriction, to consume less energy than you spend, as well as diets restricting types of foods, such as diets low in fat, carbohydrates and sugars.

In addition to a restrictive diet, some people also try to significantly increase their activity. This has an effect similar to that of a calorie restriction diet, but it increases the expenditure of energy instead of reducing expenditure. Increased activity tends to require more time and lifestyle changes than simply changing your eating habits, but that comes with additional benefits such as increased strength and better cardiovascular health.

Finally, and perhaps more profitable for the weight metal industry, there are devices, supplements and other products designed to produce weight loss. These include diet pills, natural weight loss supplements containing acai, African mango and a range of other substances, as well as belts and other gadgets. It has been proven that the basic premise of some of these products contributes to the reduction when combined with other conventional methods, but most diet pills and other products do not help you much. They can even damage your health.

Weight loss Efficiency

With over 50% of the conscientious population, weight is expected to disappear. However, most people experience little or no weight change. Some people even find that their weight increases after trying to reduce. According to studies, statistics show that between 30 and 60% of the dead not only regain all the weight they lose during their diet, they are even heavier than they were before the diet started. These trends apply to a wide range of weight-loss techniques. Only about 10% of the dieters can maintain their loss after several years, regardless of the weight lost during the diet period.

Among those who lose weight effectively, the most viable goal is to lose about 10% of their highest weight. This is the number recommended by the National Institutes of Health for obese or overweight people. Losing more than that can be difficult and rarely effective.

Many people attribute this lack of efficiency to a lack of willpower in the diet, but recent research has shown that the problem is more complex than that. A 2011 study in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that weight loss changes the way the body produces the hormones associated with metabolism. This means that people who try to lower their diet are hungrier and have a higher appetite than they were before the loss. This lasts at least a year after losing weight, and makes it much harder for people who have eaten to keep lower weight than someone who has never followed a weight loss program.

Diet dangers

It is not just the low efficiency that makes weight loss a complicated topic. Trying to get rid of fat can also be dangerous. This problem is more important with extreme diets that promise to lose a lot of weight very quickly. These diets can promote muscle loss instead of fat. They also increase the risk of heart disease, slowing metabolism and other health problems. Liquid diets, extreme calorie depletion, and fad diets that eliminate whole categories of foods are the most dangerous; but any diet can be dangerous to your health if you lose weight and gain weight repeatedly, or "yo-yo".

Diet pills can also cause serious health problems. These weight loss supplements are usually designed to be taken for a short time and often contain large amounts of caffeine and other stimulants. This type of diet pill can increase anxiety and irritability, cause insomnia and other sleep problems, or even cause cardiovascular problems in people with existing heart failure. Fat blockers can cause intestinal discomfort and other digestive problems. They can also cause malnutrition by blocking the body's ability to absorb important vitamins and minerals. Diet pills that suppress appetite can increase your rate and blood pressure. Even herbal weight loss supplements can have unpleasant side effects, especially in people allergic to some of their ingredients.

Weight is not everything

These questions of health and efficiency often come with the claim that fat is essentially unhealthy, so everyone should try to lose weight. In fact, although there are several diseases and diseases associated with higher weight, they are not necessarily the direct result. While fat people are much more likely to suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure and other metabolic problems, the correlation decreases considerably if these fat people are active and have a good diet. Thin and thirsty people actually risk more than fat people but in good physical condition. You may be fat and unhealthy, but your weight is not the most important factor. This, however, does not mean that losing weight is not effective.

Who should reduce?

Studies show that if you have diabetes, prediabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol, your condition is likely to improve if you lose about 10% of your body weight. Losing more weight than it does does not seem to offer any added benefit, although it may help you to wear smaller clothes. If you have any of these conditions, it is important to pay attention to how you lose weight and do this only in combination with proper diet and regular exercise. These seem to be the most important elements for staying healthy, regardless of your weight.

The healthiest option

What the diet industry doesn't want you to know is that most diet pills, weight loss supplements and diet programs don't work very well and can even affect your health more than fat. If you really want to be healthy, your best option to lose weight is to look at your activity level and the nutritional content of your diet. Work on fresh vegetables at least half your diet and moderate exercise at about half an hour a day. This is what the US government recommends for optimal health.

If you decide to reduce your calorie intake, adopt a balanced diet that does not eliminate any major group of foods and look for weight loss of no more than one to two pounds a week. This rate is more likely to result in constant loss without major health side effects, because it is so slow that your body is able to adjust more efficiently. You may not be able to give up clothing size in a month, but you will feel better and stay healthier in the long run.

The Guaranteed Best Weight Loss Program

If you want to lose weight, choosing the right weight loss program is absolutely essential to your success. Is there any illusion of weight loss software available on the market, so comment that you can decide which one suits you best? This is a question I often see between men and women looking for the right program to follow. I imagine it is a confusing situation; want to lose weight without knowing which program best suits your needs. So what are you doing?

The purpose of this article is to discuss a variety of suggestions on how to program your weight loss program into your program and help you choose the program that is right for you. First!

1. Identify what you REALLY want

What do you really want from your physical body? My friends in fitness training in straight on time. At first that may seem like a pretty silly question, but it's not. I learned that the vast majority of people looking to lose weight really didn't want to lose weight. It's true! During my long professional experience, most people who are looking for professional fitness training do not try to lose weight as much as they would like to just feel about themselves and avoid the pain of excessive social pressure. . Weight loss is not their true desire, it simply provides them with the things they really need. In fact, I will go so far as to say that most people really want to eat what they want to eat, do what they want, and live their life as they see fit. I'm not pointing fingers here, that's what I'd like to do too. It depends, to be human resources, that we have printing and societies social. At this point in history, a thin, nuanced body is said to be sexy, enduring and desirable. I believe, this is why most people, because they are looking for programs of poetry, do not cause sincere desire to be thin, but well to the intense desire to want to be sexy, one must also pay attention and feel bone in the body when one feels the human, that is many opinions.

It is perfectly normal to look for weight loss for any reason; because you want to feel attractive, have confidence in your body, or attract potential love interests. Whatever the reason you are looking for weight loss, it is very important that you identify the REAL reason for this search. Once you have correctly identified this reason (s), motivating yourself to achieve that goal (s) is a more enjoyable process. Once this happens, the process of losing weight is not about weight as much as everything! And that's exactly what it has to be.

2. Determine the limits of commitment

This concept is perhaps the most important of all. I've seen people spend thousands of dollars on a weight loss program to give up their efforts just a few days after the program starts. They are too committed and could not follow. Every weight loss program has a few common points. Each of these select variable programs to the authority are but the elements of basic staying:

Frequency - how often do you have to train
Intensity - how much effort and intensity you need to put into your program
Time - how long you need to exercise each training
Type - the type of exercise you will do during a program
This actually has a common name. We, in the fitness industry, call it the F.I.T.T. Beyond these basics, which are generally associated with the exercise elements of your program, any quality weight loss program also responds to some needs that respond perfectly to the same acronym:

1 - Frequency - describes how often you eat daily
2 - Intensity - how rigid or relaxed is your diet?
3 - Time - how long do you have to eat like that
4 - Type - type of nutrition and nutrition method used

These will be present in any well-developed weight loss program. Your success depends on how much you are really prepared and able to compromise with each of these factors. Let's face it, buying a weight loss program does not guarantee success, you must follow the program to get results. For example, if your program requires a very strict diet with seven days of intense exercise per week, but you are not disciplined and have never worked before, this hypothetical program is probably not the one that will meet your needs. best. You may need a program that has a more developmental orientation and allows you more choice in terms of food and exercise.

3. Beware of programs that claim to be for everyone

I'm not saying there are no programs that could benefit everyone, but I'm saying that you are more likely to succeed when you register a program for people like you. Programs that try to satisfy everyone are usually designed to generate more sales than results. These programs tend to be very demanding, have very strict dietary expectations, and often result in injuries for those who are not prepared to address program requirements. Do your homework and find a program designed for you.

When I started developing my weight loss program for women, many people told me I would make more sales if I sold it to everyone. men, women, older, younger, all. While this is certainly true, I couldn't do it ethically because I know that each of these groups of people has their own needs and desires for fitness and weight loss. That's why I developed the Body Fat Meltdown program specifically for newly motivated women who want to lose weight without the need for gym membership so they can train daily for thirty minutes or less, wherever and whenever they want. I wanted it to be ideal for home exercisers or for women who need to train with minimal equipment during their travels. It was necessary to remove all of the participant's excuses for the newly motivated weight loss and he does. By providing accurate diet and exercise instructions, the Body Fat Meltdown program ensures success if a woman simply follows her for ninety days. This is an example of a program that has a targeted audience, a specific goal, and a meaningful method of progress that will lead that specific group of participants to their weight goals.

4. Make sure the program is stimulating, but livable

Be honest about what kind of program you allow to participate. Fitness is a development, so you can no longer position yourself in the present life, but you need to be able to handle your current weight program that your life provides. For example, if you are an unmarried mother with two children at home, you probably do not go to a ninety-day program where you have to eat Brussels sprouts and soup. cabbage at each meal while exercising sixty minutes twice daily. It just doesn't last. Each program has its nutritional and exercise requirements, so it is up to you to ensure that these requirements will make you feel better, but also match your current lifestyle.

5. The best weight loss program is the one you will finish

The most effective program in the world is useless if you don't. I know it first. Women enrolled in my weight loss body fat program and started losing twenty-four pounds in the first thirty days. On the other hand, some women signed up and never even tried to start the first training program, giving absolutely no results. The best weight loss program you can invest in is the one you will be participating in, challenging and finishing. I can name at least a hundred heavyweight programs that have produced amazing results for their participants. On the other hand, I can assure you that each of these programs also has people who have bought, then barely participated, stopped and spent hard money for nothing. In the end, the results you get begin and end with you. They depend on the factors described above and are absolutely determined by your participation and participation in the program.

Take these five factors and use them to combat the wide range of weight loss programs available to you. Find a program where you are the target participant, where you can participate and realistically support from start to finish. If you do these things, I strongly believe that you will succeed in your efforts to lose weight and feel good.

What you should know about weight loss!!!

Weight loss is a fundamental problem in today's general public with increasing obesity and individuals who finally recognize what excess weight does to their body, to their well-being and ultimately to their way of life.

Weight loss helps in some conditions. It has a certain advantage in diabetes, hypertension, shortness of breath, joint problems and high cholesterol.

Weight loss is feasible through exercise and healthy dinners, but including high-quality protein and a slimming body will help you lose weight faster, maintain your weight and stay strong.

Weight loss is essentially ensured as soon as one adheres to dietary controls.

The Basics of Weight Loss: Consume more calories than you consume and you will gain weight; use more than what you eat and you will lose it. Weight loss is currently an achievable goal to be really effective in the event that we adhere to prep administration, refrain from eating, organizing. Anyway, surgery could be the primary confidence of few.

Surgical procedures have been advanced in recent decades and most are convincing, as they usually result in significant weight loss.

In any case, all specialists agree that the most ideal way to pursue weight loss is to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Whichever option is chosen, the most effective way to achieve long-term goals is medium and steady weight loss. It turned out that it is essential to mentally prepare yourself for your heavy metal journey and the lifestyle changes you will experience.

For people with mild obesity, surgery to avoid parts of the stomach and the small digestive system can sometimes be the most effective method to create lasting and considerable weight loss.

The essential factor in achieving and maintaining weight loss is a sustained responsibility for overall exercise and rational eating habits. You will find that all levels of your life are reinforced by weight loss that brings you such individual fulfillment.

In case dietary habits do not change forever and ever, weight loss resulting from diet will not last long. If you experience the adverse effects of a medical condition, or you feel the effects of this, you should consult your specialist before starting any heavy weight and / or sports activity.

Drinking water is one of the fastest weight loss tips that dieters offer to individuals and offers over 100 extra calories daily. About twenty sodas that you avoid from your typical intake equals about a pound of weight loss.

Fasting: Although fasting has a real influence on some dietary methodologies, it is usually not prescribed for safe weight loss.


Dietitians are nutritionists who work directly with clients or patients according to their health needs. Avoiding foods lowers your calorie intake, but the practice helps you burn more calories. Eat Less Carbohydrates If bodybuilding is available, the discomfort associated with weight gain is crucial. Consuming fewer calories is easier than ever. For a vegetable lover eating less carbon, losing weight should not be a problem.

It is a well-suggested decreased calorie intake of foods containing moderate fat. Becoming aware of various types of organic products by weight loss methods is a good way to manage hunger and give the body the supplements and vitamins it needs to take legal action.

Exercise During Your Diet: Weight loss is about lowering your calorie intake as you increase the number of calories you burn. First of all, choose the weight you need to lose and set an acceptable goal, preferably with the help of your dietitian or specialist.

A diet that works for some people does not work for others. Solid breakfast is one of the keys to healthy eating and noticeable weight loss. Most fad diets, if taken shortly thereafter, result in weight loss after calorie retention.

In addition, healthy nuts that neglect to adopt better exercises and eating habits will regain the lost pounds and maybe more. First, a lot of water will be lost, which will cause the calorie counter to imagine a considerable weight reduction.

Advise your specialist on wellness issues and before using supplements, implementing dietary enhancements, or before applying for approved drug enhancements.

Much of the early weight loss at low calorie intake is less about losing muscle tissue instead of fat loss.

Over 85% of calories that are not exercised all the time, recover their lost pounds in two years. Losing weight and increasing weight repeatedly (yo-yo counts calories) causes the body to store fat and may increase the patient's risk of coronary heart disease.

Eating three well-adjusted packs straight a day - with basic dinner early in the afternoon - is a more powerful approach to preventing body fat than eating or eating diets that convince the body that hunger is increasing. Advanced drugs have discovered approaches to increase our lifespan through dietary restriction.

For your well-being, consult your specialist before making major changes to your diet, diet or lifestyle. The American Heart Association (AHA) suggests mostly a diet containing less than 30% fat.

Lifestyles, lifestyles for maintenance, fitness, vibrant trends, nostalgia, etc., all need to be considered when preparing a diet. The lifestyle teacher needs to adapt their meal plan to the individual instead of following a "tailored" approach. After weight loss, perhaps the best ways to reduce fat. For many people, being overweight is the side effect of lack of work, a failed lifestyle and poorly adjusted diet.

Dietitians are nutritionists who work directly with clients or patients according to their health needs. Avoiding foods lowers your calorie intake, but the practice helps you burn more calories. Eat Less Carbohydrates If bodybuilding is available, the discomfort associated with weight gain is crucial. Consuming fewer calories is easier than ever. For a vegetable lover eating less carbon, losing weight should not be a problem.

It is a well-suggested decreased calorie intake of foods containing moderate fat. Becoming aware of various types of organic products by weight loss methods is a good way to manage hunger and give the body the supplements and vitamins it needs to take legal action.

Exercise During Your Diet: Weight loss is about lowering your calorie intake as you increase the number of calories you burn. First of all, choose the weight you need to lose and set an acceptable goal, preferably with the help of your dietitian or specialist.

A diet that works for some people does not work for others. Solid breakfast is one of the keys to healthy eating and noticeable weight loss. Most fad diets, if taken shortly thereafter, result in weight loss after calorie retention.

In addition, healthy nuts that neglect to adopt better exercises and eating habits will regain the lost pounds and maybe more. First, a lot of water will be lost, which will cause the calorie counter to imagine a considerable weight reduction.

Advise your specialist on wellness issues and before using supplements, implementing dietary enhancements, or before applying for approved drug enhancements.

Much of the early weight loss at low calorie intake is less about losing muscle tissue instead of fat loss.

Over 85% of calories that are not exercised all the time, recover their lost pounds in two years. Losing weight and increasing weight repeatedly (yo-yo counts calories) causes the body to store fat and may increase the patient's risk of coronary heart disease.

Eating three well-adjusted packs straight a day - with basic dinner early in the afternoon - is a more powerful approach to preventing body fat than eating or eating diets that convince the body that hunger is increasing. Advanced drugs have discovered approaches to increase our lifespan through dietary restriction.

For your well-being, consult your specialist before making major changes to your diet, diet or lifestyle. The American Heart Association (AHA) suggests mostly a diet containing less than 30% fat.

Lifestyles, lifestyles for maintenance, fitness, vibrant trends, nostalgia, etc., all need to be considered when preparing a diet. The lifestyle teacher needs to adapt their meal plan to the individual instead of following a "tailored" approach. After weight loss, perhaps the best ways to reduce fat. For many people, being overweight is the side effect of lack of work, a failed lifestyle and poorly adjusted diet.

Most high-fiber foods are also high in water and low in calories, forcing them to eat less carbohydrates. Soluble fiber can lower cholesterol; Insoluble contains edible ropes that add greatness to our weight control plans.

Some experts believe that natural eating nuts have better control over the risk of eating a few smaller dinners than expected during the day. Exercise and a tailored diet are the key elements to consider fat problems and weight loss.

Among the fastest weight loss tips dieters offer to individuals, 100% more calories are burned daily.

Definitive trick to the essential accomplishment: standard exercise and proper diet. Add a cheat day to your eating habits to free yourself from cravings.

Eat a healthy diet containing bundles of vegetables, organic products and whole grains.

Fasting: Although fasting has a major influence on some diets, it is usually not prescribed for safe weight loss.


Anyway, for some in this situation, heavy metal surgery is the main confidence. One of the earliest structures was gastric surgery. There are many types of surgery these days and they all have advantages and disadvantages.

There are always generous dangers, however, as with every major surgical procedure. For people who believe that surgery is the best solution, be sure to consult an experienced physician.

For the more muscular people, surgery to bypass parts of the stomach and the small digestive tract can sometimes be the most effective method to achieve lasting and critical weight loss.

In any case, such a bodybuilding operation can be dangerous and it is only practiced in patients for whom different techniques have developed and whose durability really damages well-being. In cases where the side effects of hernia are constant and do not respond to diet or pharmaceuticals, surgery can become essential.

Today most specialists choose to practice laparoscopy because it is negligible and the healing time is reduced.


If you plan to lose weight daily and consume calories, you will develop muscle and muscle. It affects the body's cell, causing the fat cells to evacuate their stored fat to be transferred as vitality. The food you eat during the day should be burned by the movement.

Exercise During Diet: Weight loss is about lowering your calorie intake while increasing the number of calories you burn. Eating less lowers your calorie intake, but the practice helps you burn more calories.

We are aware worldwide that in order to achieve healthy weight loss, we need to burn more calories than we absorb. Exercise increases the metabolic rate with muscle that burns more calories than fat.

As the general exercise consolidates with predictable and stimulating dinners, calories continue to burn fast, for several hours. The calories were burning depending on your level of fitness.

It seems that not only are fats consumed, but eating enough healthy fats, called unsaturated fats omega-3s, can make your digestive system burn fat more productively. If your weight stays stable, you probably take a similar amount of calories as you absorb daily.

If you gradually gain weight, it is likely that your calorie intake is more important than the amount of calories you absorb during your daily exercise.

The amount of calories we burn daily depends on our basic metabolic rate (BMR), the amount of calories we burn every hour, essentially living and maintaining our body's capabilities and our level of physical movement.

Our weight is also critical in choosing the number of calories we still burn - more calories are needed to keep your body in its current state, and your weight is important. A person whose job includes overweight physical work will actually generate more calories per day than a person who sits in a workout most of the day (ineffective activity).

For people who do not perform activities that require extraordinary physical activity, exercise or greater physical movements can generate a high calorie intake.

To lose a pound, you need to burn about 3,500 calories, well beyond what you are currently satiated with doing daily exercises. Use a calorie adding machine to figure out the number of calories you burn while sitting, standing, exercising, lifting weights, and so on. If you consume fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight.

Because it is exceptional, when the body does not get enough calories, it begins to burn fat, which is stored in adipose tissue.

Exercise will help you burn excess calories and fats, and tone and build muscle.

5 Ways to Break Through Weight Loss Plateaus

Have you reached a plateau of weight loss? It's time to learn why and what you can do about it.

The fat almost fell out of your body a few weeks ago and you're wondering now if your scale breaks, because whatever you do, your weight will not go down.

What gives?

Why did your routine suddenly stop working and what can you do to break this plateau of weight loss?

Understand the weight loss against. Big loss

"Weight loss" is a complicated heck because it makes no difference between changes in fat, muscle and water.

Of course, the goal is to lose maximum fat and muscle and keep the water healthy. When you step on the scale and record a lighter pound than the day before or the week before, you probably assume that you lost a pound of fat; If you weigh the same weight or more, you will probably assume that you have not lost or gained fat. Unfortunately, it is not so simple.

Nothing swings upward or downward as easily as water retention, eg. If you eat a lot of sodium and charcoal and drink a little water, you will retain a little, which will give you a clean and smooth appearance. This can easily add 3 to 5 pounds a day, which can be quite annoying if you hit the scale in this state. On the other hand, you eat little sodium and carbon and drink a lot of water. Your body will pour water, which will give you a harder and more defined appearance, which may make you think it was a great day to lose weight.

The unpredictability of water retention is one of the reasons I only weigh myself once a week, the same day, in the morning, naked. Weighing you several times a week, or worse every day, will quickly kill your self-confidence and hit you head.

I also recommend choosing a "hard day" that does not contain a cheat meal, as this can often add a pound or two of water that will come out at the end of the next day (at least my experience).

What is Plateau Weight Loss?

A real plateau of weight loss is a situation in which you do not lose fat anymore.

I think I have reached a plateau if my weight has not changed in two weeks. Because I'm only looking for one pound of real fat loss per week, no change of scale after a week of dieting is not necessarily a cause for worry - I might have lost that pound of fat but I would keep some water, or my intentional movements might not have been so regular in the previous two or three days. No change in weight after two weeks of diet tells me that I am definitely stuck.

Some facts about fat loss to raise awareness

Before you explain how to break these trays, I want you to know some information about fat loss.

1. High platforms are to be expected

Almost everyone experiences trays. If you're not sure what I'm talking about and if you're able to easily achieve one-digit body fat percentages, count yourself. It is very common for people to touch several trays during their travels to six baggage because, well, the human body is stubborn when it comes to losing weight.

I found that I could not keep less than 9 to 10% fat by my diet alone (you can only reduce your caloric intake or start eating muscle) -I need to add cardio if I want to continue to to lose. When I accumulate, I usually maintain about 14-15% body fat and I can get the first 5% or more, but then I reach a plateau that allows me to do cardio only 3-4 days a week ( 20-25 minutes per session).
 Then the next plateau for me is about 8%. If I want to become weak, I have to increase my cardio up to 4 days a week for 30 to 40 minutes per session.

All the people I trained or helped experienced the same phenomenon, but the thresholds vary. I've known a few people who can go on a diet less than 10% without using cardio, but most people can not reduce the body fat percentage of a bike without a very strict diet and follow a routine regular cardio.

2. The more you lose, the harder it is

The more you lose weight, the longer you need to lose fat in health (the key, because you want to keep as much muscle and strength as possible while losing fat). If you are at 25% body fat, it is very likely that you will lose 2 to 3 pounds of fat per week for the first two weeks. If you are at 10% body fat and want a one-digit number, however, 2 to 3 pounds of fat per week would be impossible without dangerous drugs.

For me, once I'm down about 12%, I'm very happy to lose only a pound of fat a week and I have to work on it.

3. Your body has a "comfort zone"

Although it may sound a bit brassy, ​​it's the best way to describe a phenomenon experienced by myself and millions of other athletes around the world. The body seems to have the weight (and therefore the percentage of body fat) with which it is most comfortable. Your natural appetite tends to support that weight and if you eat less, you are hungry. If you eat more than that, you feel full.

For some, this "comfort zone" is relatively thick, while others are quite thin. For example, I find that my body is more comfortable with about 11% body fat (which would make me weigh about 200 kg today). I do not need to watch my calories too much and I can cheat several times a week, and I will only stay 11%.

Now, maintaining a weight under this comfort zone requires constant work in the form of calorie and cardio limitation. To age, you must eat regularly and if it lasts too long, the comfort zone becomes higher and higher.

5 ways to lose weight

Now that you know the difference between weight loss and low fat, here are three safe ways to dry up again in the oven to eliminate fat.

1. Recalculate your daily calorie goal

Your metabolism slows down as you lose weight because your body does not need to expend as much energy to maintain its now leaner physique.

If you do not set your calories to mirror that, you may reach a plateau. The easiest way to avoid this is to recalculate your daily calorie goal after 15 pounds of weight loss. As you can see, the target is creeping lower and lower.

There are many ways to calculate how much food to lose to lose weight, but here's a simple formula based on the Katch McArdle:

1.2 grams of protein per pound of body weight

1 gram of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight

1 gram of fat for 5 pounds of body weight

This simple formula based on macronutrients will put you in moderate calorie deficit and allow for regular and healthy weight loss. To convert it into calories, it is enough to multiply 4 proteins and carbohydrates, and 9 fats.

2. Check the "hidden calories"

Most weight loss is caused by nothing more than the "calorie ramp", that is, eating more calories than you think. This, combined with ever-slower metabolism, is a guaranteed formula against stagnation.

Calories can infiltrate many places. Non-target snacks, snack restaurants (they absorb calories in meals with butter, oil, sauces, etc.), excess condiments and alcohol consumption are common ways to add enough calories to slow your weight loss without giving you the impression that you are completely "out of your diet."

The sad truth is that just 200-300 calories a day can completely stop fat loss. To put it in perspective, it only represents a few handfuls of nuts, a few tablespoons of thick dressing or a small bag of potato chips. Yes, fat loss is so whimsical. It is not very complicated, but it requires absolute precision.

So, to overcome the "calorie shift", you just need to know exactly what's going on in your body every day. You can keep lunch or do what I do: figure out what you need every day, divide it into daily meals and consume the same thing every day, every meal. I do not have the time or the patience to bring various foods to my diet, so I adopt the simplicity of choosing nutritious foods that I love and eating them again and again.

3. Increase your cardio

If you know your daily calorie goal is good and you have no calories lost at all, then you need to increase your cardio.

You can add another day if possible (I do not recommend more than 4 days a week if you are also bodybuilding), or add time each day (I like to add 10 minutes to each session and see how my body reacts.).

The idea is to simply tip the scale a little further in the direction of fat loss and observe the results. If the first extra shortcut doesn't do this, add an additional (10 more minutes to each session, for example), and you'll get there.

Oh, and do HIIT cardio, please.

4. Kiss the cheat meal

Yes, believe it or not, the cheat meal actually helps you lose fat.


First is the psychological stimulus that makes you happy and motivates, which ultimately makes it easier to respect your diet.

But there is also a physiological boost.

Studies of eating (a scientific term for food intake) show that this can increase your metabolic rate by 3 to 10%. Although it sounds good, it doesn't really mean much if you consider that you would need to eat between a few hundred and several thousand extra calories daily to achieve this effect.

More important are the effects of cheating a hormone called leptin, which regulates hunger, your metabolic rate, your appetite, your motivation and your libido, as well as your other functions in your body.

When you have a calorie deficit and lose body fat, your leptin level drops. This in turn slows down your metabolism, increases your appetite, decreases your motivation and lowers your mood.

On the other hand, when you provide your body with more energy (calories) than it needs, leptin levels increase, which can then have positive effects on fat oxidation. thyroid activity, mood and even testosterone level.

So if you really want leptin level growth, how do you get the most out of it?

Eating carbohydrates is the most effective way. Second, you need to eat protein (high-protein meals also increase your metabolic rate). Dietary fats are not very effective at increasing leptin levels and alcohol inhibits them.

So, if your weight is blocking and you are angry and unmotivated, a pleasant pull of leptin might be all you need to get on the scale.

Take a good misleading meal, rich in protein and carbohydrates, and enjoy the increase in your leptin levels. This can help your weight loss!

5. Lift heavy trucks

If you know any of my work, you know I'm a big supporter of lifting heavy trucks. Among the many benefits of weight lifting, there is the fact that it helps speed up fat loss.

A study published by Greek sports scientists revealed that men trained with heavyweights (80 to 85% of their maximum rep, or "1RM"), increased their metabolic rates over the next three days, burning hundreds of more calories than men trained with lighter weights (45-65% of their 1RM).

So hit the weights and hit them hard if you want to increase your metabolic rate and speed up your fat loss.

And if you want to earn extra points, focus on composite steps such as squats and deadlifts, as these are the types that burn the most calories after training.


I hope you found this article useful and remember that the journey to a lean and muscular body is a marathon, not a sprint.

Have you ever lived a plateau with weight loss? Did you manage to break through? If so, what did you do? If no, did this article give you a better idea of ​​why? I would love to hear from you on my blog, Muscle For Life!

Fast Weight Loss Is More Water Than Fat

Many people want to lose weight as quickly as possible and are often fascinated when using a weight loss product or service that produces rapid weight loss for the first few days or weeks. While it may be interesting to think that they are finally on the right track and that they will finally be able to cling to it and lose unwanted body weight, here is a shortcoming of this fast weight.

When finding the initial fast weight loss, it is too common for a large number of dieters to use such fast fat reduction products to realize that they are just beginning to lose hope. Fat loss is almost always reduced to a snail's pace. And while it may be okay if all the weight reduction experienced during the initial phase of the diet program was actually due to body fat, the point is that this is not the case.

In reality, losing weight is easy, but losing fat is not as easy as it seems. It would also be no exaggeration to say that many proponents of the diet are aware of this fact, but intentionally fail or refuse to enlighten dieters on this weight-bearing phenomenon.

This is really happening. A large percentage of the weight lost by starting almost all weight loss programs is primarily due to the loss of water to the body tissues because water is part of every cell of the human body. In fact the unbridled mass is composed of 70 to 75% water and body fat about 10 to 40% water.

Due to the reduction in caloric intake during the initial periods of use of any heavy metal product, especially those specially designed for "so-called" facilitating rapid fat reduction, the body is forced to release and burn its glycogen stored in energy. Glycogen is essentially composed of 75% water and 25% glucose. As a result, when glucose is metabolized, water is mainly produced as a by-product.

As a result, about 75% of the weight lost during this rapid reduction in body weight comes mainly from the lean body mass (muscles and water) and 25% of the unwanted body fat. Usually, for every gram of burned glycogen, the body loses about 4 or 5 grams of weight. In this way, when the body water is lost and the water is weighed, the weight loss is easily noted on the scale.

It is only when the body's glycogen stores are exhausted that the body starts burning fat for energy. However, each gram of fat has about twice the caloric content of one gram of glycogen; therefore it would burn twice the calories needed to lose 1 gram of glycogen and 1 gram of fat.

Therefore, because fat contains only about 10 to 40% water, when the body enters the fat burning phase of a weight loss program, the bathroom tends to be much slower than when the glycogen burned as energy at the beginning of the diet.

In view of the above, it is unfortunate to find that there are actually weight loss programs that show rapid results incorporating the use of diuretics to give an illusion of loss. of weight. Diuretics, medicines and diuretic herbs promote the loss of water from the kidneys. In addition to these diet programs, which result in loss of body water that appears easily in the bathroom, the person in the diet may be dehydrated.

Similarly, whether it is a conventional diet, a modest diet, or a diet pill, the early effect of reducing body weight is most likely almost the same. loss of body water However, diets that have severe calorie restriction or high in protein can significantly increase this effect.

In fact, the natural process of losing weight consists of rapid weight loss resulting from the loss of groundwater, then followed by a significant slowdown in fat loss, the body will now go to burning its fat reserves to deal with it. energy needs. After the initial phase of reducing body weight from a weight loss program, the additional healthy fat loss should be about 1 to 2 pounds a week, or slightly more, depending on the person's consistency. .

Therefore, when a diet or other fat reduction program claims to be able to help you lose up to 10 to 30 pounds of body weight during a questionable period, say 1 week, you now have an idea of ​​what you are up against. You simply cannot burn fat so easily, instead you will lose water from your body.

After dieters understand body weight well, they tend to lose at the beginning of a diet program, their attention and expectations will not be increased unnecessarily, as they now understand exactly where they are going. find and what to expect.

Understanding the small complexities involved in weight loss, such as the concept of body water loss above, helps dieters be much better prepared to set realistic goals for fat reduction. This allows you to design a fat reduction plan that envisages how to deal with situations and other minor issues that test the dead person's resolution without making the user feel unnecessarily discouraged.

A safe and long-term targeted weight loss program should therefore target body fat loss instead of focusing solely on weight loss. To lose weight effectively and in the long run, it is necessary for a person to make positive and constant changes to his lifestyle, such as incorporating a calorie diet through regular physical exercise.

Weight Loss Surgery, Loose Skin, and Post-Bariatric Surgery

Avez-ces blues Loose Skin?

La perte de poids en masse est une décision énorme. La plupart des lecteurs ont subi une perte de poids importante ou envisagent de subir une perte de poids importante. L'une des hésitations les plus courantes pour perdre du poids est la peau lâche qui en résulte, qui survient après que votre corps a subi une perte de poids importante. Il est de notoriété publique que perdre du poids = perdre la peau. Une peau lâche ne survient pas seulement avec un poids énorme, mais également lors de manifestations physiques naturelles telles que la grossesse. En effet, une fois que votre corps est tendu par le poids ou la grossesse; votre peau perd son élasticité. Les premiers patients viennent parler de la perte de poids et de la chirurgie biatrique, de son fonctionnement et de ses résultats. Cependant, de nombreux patients décident d’adopter un régime strict et de faire de l’exercice de la façon la moins coûteuse et la plus naturelle, tout en se souciant de la peau lâche. Nos médecins disent toujours que les patients sont réalistes, être en bonne santé est beaucoup plus important que d'avoir la peau lâche. Même si votre peau est lâche après avoir perdu du poids, il existe des moyens de la supprimer, comme la chirurgie post-bariatrique, qui comprend le toucher de l'animal, l'augmentation mammaire et les cuisses. La peau lâche, bien qu’elle n’ait pas l’air semblable, rappelle fièrement le chemin parcouru et si vous prenez cette mesure supplémentaire pour éliminer la peau lâche, votre corps sera un trophée complet dédié à vous-même. Dans cet article, nous verrons pourquoi et d'où provient cette peau supplémentaire et comment la réduire ou l'éliminer.

Comment nous brûlons la graisse

Comme nous le savons tous, la matière ne peut être ni créée ni détruite. Ainsi, lorsque vous faites de l'exercice et que vous mangez des graisses, elle ne "disparaît" pas simplement de votre corps. Ce qui se passe est un changement de forme, tout comme l’eau et la vapeur. Le glucose et le sucre utilisés par les glucides sont les premières sources de carburant. Une fois que le glucose est épuisé, la graisse prend le dessus. Votre corps est une ceinture de transport à adhérence constante qui élimine les nutriments essentiels de la graisse et les transmet à des parties spécifiques du corps. Les hormones qui régulent notre glycémie activent une enzyme dans le tissu adipeux appelée lipase. La lipase active les cellules adipeuses pour libérer les triglycérides, ce qui est important pour les adipocytes. Lorsqu'elles reçoivent un signal de la lipase leur permettant de sortir des cellules adipeuses, les triglycérides se décomposent en glycérol et en acides gras, puis pénètrent dans le sang pour être utilisés dans votre corps. Le processus de destruction des triglycérides en énergie réutilisable est appelé lipolyse, qui est secouée et réchauffée pour produire de la chaleur, de l'eau, du dioxyde de carbone et de l'ATP. Comme le tissu adipeux a perdu certains de ses composants, les cellules sont épuisées.

Pourquoi la peau supplémentaire?

Lorsque le tissu adipeux est traité et que les cellules sont épuisées, ne pensez-vous pas que votre peau est également en déclin? Oui et non Dans les cas de perte de poids modérée, la peau peut certainement se contracter pour s'adapter à la nouvelle taille du corps en raison de son élasticité due au collagène dans la peau. Cependant, le collagène a ses limites. Les fibres de collagène s'affaiblissent avec l'âge et provoquent des rides. Une croissance ou un gain de poids rapide contourne également la production de collagène dans la peau, provoquant des zones trop étroites, provoquant des marques serrées fréquemment observées pendant la grossesse et les adolescentes jusqu'à la puberté. En cas de lourdeur massive, la peau contractée a perdu sa force de collagène, ce qui rend difficile, voire impossible, le surplus de peau pour retrouver sa forme initiale. Ceux qui subissent une chirurgie gastrique ou une chirurgie bariatrique ressentent cette douleur. Au fur et à mesure que le nombre de patients subissant une chirurgie de perte de poids augmente, corrigez les interventions chirurgicales pour la peau indésirable et inconfortable. Cette peau supplémentaire peut en réalité être un problème grave et peut en réalité causer des infections, des éruptions cutanées et même des problèmes de dos.

Chirurgie post-bariatrique et options médicales
The most important factor in weight loss following weight loss is age. Younger patients tend to have less loose skin than those who get older because of the strength of the collagen in your skin. The second most important factor is the amount of weight loss. A person who loses 200 pounds. are more likely to have excess skin than someone who has lost 80 pounds. There are other factors more likely to have loose skin, such as smoking, sunburn and skin color.

- Exercise: An exercise that includes a growing muscle city can tighten connective tissue. For patients who have undergone a biatric surgery, it is recommended to add a regular exercise program that helps maintain weight and can also be used to tighten the skin, to a certain extent.
- Body Remodeling Procedures: For those who lose 80-lbs to over 100-lbs Surgical procedures, called post-bariatric surgery, help tighten the skin and remove skin pockets that prevent damage to your body. as tonic and tense as the individual would like. Below you will find the most common procedures for massive loss of patients.

Abdomen, thighs and hips - The abdomen is usually one of the main concerns of people who follow a massive weight loss. In both men and women, excess fat is stored both in the abdomen and under the skin of the abdominal wall. Therefore, after weight gain in these areas, additional skin appears. Large amounts of hanging skin can cause increased moisture between skin folds, resulting in a condition called intertriginal dermatitis, which causes irritation, redness and pain. Sometimes even the skin can become damaged, bleed and become infected. With proper documentation, many insurance companies acknowledge this problem and offer full coverage from surgical removal to tummy tuck or spinal towel. Tummy tucks will only remove excess skin from the stomach, which is ideal for women after pregnancy. However, for those who have undergone surgery or massive weight loss, the excess skin is not only limited to the stomach, but also results in the back and thighs. To do this, surgeons will perform a specific procedure for thinning patients called "body lift." This involves abdominoplasty, height of the thigh and at the same time. This treats and removes loose skin and cellulite along the thighs and glutes as well as the abdomen. Although the resulting scar is long, it is limited to the waist and is hidden by underwear, underwear or bikini.

Breast - After significant loss, breast size and shape often change significantly in men and women. Everyone is concerned about sagging breasts as they get older, but not many people know that massive weight loss speeds up the process considerably. As women range from girls to adolescents 20 to 20 years of age and later, the glandular portion of the breasts is replaced by fat. The original glandular tissue is particularly firmer than fat and therefore the skin is unable to completely withdraw and produces severely ptotic or drug-resistant breasts. This is called breast involution. There are many treatment options for women after losing weight. If a woman wants less dart and wants to be bigger, breastfeeding or mastopexy is required. Again, the surgeons will tell you your choices and also remind you to be realistic if breast augmentation can be satisfactory. The problems in men are similar, but the treatment is a bit different. Men tend to have bigger breasts when they are overweight. Depending on the age of the man, the degree of weight loss and some other factors, it can result in large breasts, large breasts and / or sagging or contented breasts after loss. Gynecomastia is called "gynecomastia". Here, liposuction alone may be satisfying, but this is not typical. Most men who are equally shrewd and obnoxious undergo a two-step procedure. The first step is liposuction and involves removing excess fat and some glandular tissue. Over the next few months, the skin of the breast will slightly recede. Three to six months later, the patient will return to assess the situation and determine if the outcome is satisfactory. Delaying the second step enables significant skin re-irradiation and if a skin tightening procedure is desired, it will probably require smaller incisions.

The end result?

Being healthy is much more important than excess skin. However, excessive skin can cause serious problems, but there are non-surgical ways to prevent infections, such as keeping your excess skin dry. For those who are capable and want to remove excess skin, post-bariatric surgery is for you. It is important to remember that these procedures should be considered only after the weight has stabilized. especially after the weight loss. This can last from 7 to 18 months after weight loss. The most important factor in finding plastic surgery capable of performing these procedures is that he must be certified. If your plastic surgeon's website or office doesn't advertise that it is certified, you should run! For all those who have heard of the horror of plastic surgery, this probably started there: having surgery without a certified surgeon. Use ASPS (American Society for Plastic Surgery) to find certified surgery near you.

Discover How a Quick Weight Loss Can Be a Healthy Weight Loss - Phase III

We left with my last article "Find out how fast weight loss can be a healthy weight loss - Phase II". By revising, you have learned to exercise regularly to make sure that your healthy weight is also losing fast. We are now moving to phase III of your healthy weight loss and your fast weight loss. What is the third and last training path I should follow after adopting a complete and healthy diet and a regular exercise routine? What is the last and last way to your healthy weight loss?

Phase III of your healthy weight loss and your rapid weight loss is your fluid intake. Very good, stop the press! Do you mean that what I drink really counts for healthy weight loss? The answer is yes, good time! Everyone knows that you have to hydrate yourself to survive. In fact, everyone knows that you can die of dehydration sooner than hungry. The liquids you put in your body are therefore extremely important for the success of your healthy weight loss and your rapid weight loss. In fact, fluid intake is essential to the success or failure of your healthy weight loss and your rapid weight loss.

Water is the first key liquid in the success of your weight loss and weight loss. Water is very important to your body. First, your body is 80% water. Without constant water consumption, your body would ignite until you die. We take water very seriously when it comes to losing weight healthily and quickly. Water hydrates your body, is used to remove toxins from your system and keeps your lungs moist during cardiovascular activities. It is recommended to consume between 8 and 10 8 oz. glasses of water every day, and I recommend you start doing it. Your body needs a lot of water to do its part to achieve healthy weight loss and rapid weight loss. Take a big bottle of water and a cup with you. When the water bottle is empty, refill it. The presence of water will encourage you to drink it more often. Your body will thank you for spilling the toxins into your system, which can hinder the success of your healthy weight loss and your rapid weight loss.

Coffee and sodas must be removed from your diet to enable healthy and fast weight loss. Soda should only be rewarded from time to time for your efforts. For my part, I have sodas when I have pizzas, and that's the case. Your healthy weight loss and fast weight loss depend on minimal caffeine intake and increased water consumption when you drink caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic and will actually draw water from your body. It's extremely bad for your body working with maximum efficiency while exercising. Believe me, you will feel the difference! I will be offering an occasional energy drink instead of the afternoon snack mentioned in Phase I. However, your journey to healthy weight loss and rapid weight loss will be unpleasant if you consume too much caffeine.

Green tea is the best and most recommended caffeinated drink for your healthy weight loss and fast weight loss. Most of them are even decaffeinated! I would recommend taking 3 to 4 cups of hot green tea a day. Studies have shown an increase in energy levels and metabolism in subjects taking daily amounts of green tea, which has also resulted in a reduction in body fat. The study showed that to get positive results, it took 3 cups a day for a subject of 156 lbs. (More information on the benefits of green tea for health will be available to members of my site listed below.) However, with regard to your healthy weight loss and your rapid weight loss, you have just found your replacement coffee!

For those of you who want to drink more during their healthy and fast weight loss ... When it comes to fitness, you want to make a wise choice in what you put in your body and not base your decision on taste. . Unfortunately, most people base their drink choices on taste and usually on a sweet taste, which means too much sugar. However, there are some key drinks that can give you a little flavor, as well as a healthy weight loss and a quick weight loss!

100% POM Wonderful Pomegranate Juice - This product contains anti-oxidants that fight cancer. It is considered the highest source of antioxidants for all beverages on the market.

Vitamin A & D Organic Milk & Organic Soybeans with Calcium - Fatty acids, calcium, vitamins A & D, as well as isoflavones and soy proteins, bring you more health benefits than you can shake .

Tropicana Essentials Benefit in terms of fiber, heart and antioxidant - The Tropicana Essentials Orange Juice Showcase, rich in Vitamin C, offers a wide variety of health benefits to suit your specific needs.

Sobe No Fear - I thought it was the best energy drink on the market for me. I do not drink every day, but they serve well in the jam of over 10 hours of work followed by the time in the gym. (Remember: drink water by drinking caffeine!)

Gatorade Performance Series and Propel Fitness Water - A jam filled with electrolytes, I try to drink the Performance Series one hour before my workout and I'm with Propel Fitness Water.

Changing the quality of the fluids brought into your body every day is the last step towards your healthy weight loss and fast weight loss. You now have the three phases for healthy weight loss and fast weight loss. Make sure you honor your promise and follow the three paths. Your success in your healthy weight loss and your rapid weight loss depends on you and you alone. More information will be distributed to members of my free membership website listed below. You'll have access to proper nutrition, nutrition, and fitness settings, including information about the three phases of your healthy weight loss and fast weight loss. So, go down that path and show the way to your healthy weight loss and your fast success in weight loss!