For many, losing weight seems like a difficult thing. Maybe you've tried something in the past ... diets, exercises, pills, creams, EVERYTHING to help you lose weight, but it seems that no matter how hard you try, this doesn't matter at all, or it comes back right away.
Why do you think it is?
I believe that successful weight loss is based on a combination of the principles of rational nutrition and regular exercise. Sounds easy, doesn't it? But here's the catch ... THIS IS THE ONLY SPACE FOR EXAMINATION LOSS. So what are the hidden reasons? Why does it seem that some people eat what they want and stay lean as a rail, and for some people, no matter what they try or whatever, they can't get results?
I have created for you a list of principles that, if taken to heart and applied to your life, will produce extraordinary results. Here is the list of the keys to losing weight and keeping it for good.
Now remember ... I can provide the knowledge, but it is up to YOU to take the necessary action. In Emmerson's words, "Good thoughts are no better than good dreams, unless they are fulfilled." In other words, it's not enough to know these weight loss secrets, you need to APPLY them to your life. I cannot stress the importance of this seemingly simple step.
Calm down, no one will do it for you. You went where you are now and you have the power to reverse the situation and put yourself where and to whom you want to be. But what is amazing and amazing is that you have the strength to change. I repeat ... YOU HAVE THE POWER to change. Know it, understand it and live it, and I guarantee your success in weight loss or any other business you choose to practice in life.
It seems that many people want to blame their current situation on anyone, or something other than themselves. Whether it is about finances, relationships, work, family or health, people sometimes tend to create external reasons for our problems. If you ever find yourself saying, "If only so and so did it differently, I could have ..." or "If only I had that, I could ..." or something like that, I suggest you Stop and look at the a real reason why you don't have exactly what you want in your life. Is it because of other people and circumstances, or is it the real reason for your lack of action or purpose?
Now I realize that this can be a difficult thing, and I do not mean that everything in every person's life is the result of a lack of action. I understand that circumstances such as the death of a loved one or the diagnosis of a terminal illness can be devastating events in a person's life and may not be fully linked to a lack of action.
What I do suggest though is that you have the ability to respond to every situation in your life and make the most of it. I say that you have the power to choose how you interpret the events and circumstances of your life. If you choose to be a victim, that is exactly what you will be. If you choose to blame others or motivate your inability to lose weight, you are NOT responsible for yourself or your life and I guarantee you will not lose weight!
If you've ever said, "I just don't have the time to exercise ... I don't like healthy foods ... no matter what I try, I can't lose weight ... just according to my genes being heavy", or something like that, so just stop!
I have news for you, my friends. You have the time, you just don’t choose to do it. You can enjoy healthy foods, you just choose not to try, because you like the taste of unhealthy foods. You have not tried everything to lose weight, and if you choose a sensible diet and you are against it, you could and would like to lose weight. And regardless of the size of your parents, brother, sister, aunt or uncle, I guarantee that you have the strength to give your waist the exact look you want.
The first step is to stop looking for excuses and start taking responsibility for your current physical condition, and realize that you have created this situation, but more importantly, YOU CAN CHANGE, CREATE A NEW SITUATION, AND LIFE AND GOOD WILL! !!
This is one of the most important steps to losing weight without recreating it .... the great Why. Why do you eat? I don't want to offend anyone, but I guess if you're overweight, you're not only eating because you're hungry, but for a variety of other reasons as well. Many people eat because they are bored or tired, or they are just used to eating when they get home from work, watching TV in the evening or going out with friends. The list goes on and on. more.
For many people, eating is a deeply emotional and psychological problem. People face painful experiences, past or present, and insecurities in their lives while eating. Food as a convenience. This is one of the most destructive patterns a person can have, and it goes directly against the success of weight loss.
I'm not suggesting you know exactly why you eat, but I invite you, as painfully as it is, to really spend time with yourself and identify why you eat at what time of day. you feel when you eat and what emotions you feel when you eat too much. By doing this, you will unlock a door that many people are never near. I cannot stress the importance of this step. Until you determine HOW you eat, you won't be able to solve the problem.
So the first step is to take responsibility, realizing that you have the power to change, and the second step is to understand why you eat.
As you probably know, there is a wealth of information on diets, proper nutrition, weight loss, strength training and everything else you may want to know about health and fitness. Some claim to have low carbohydrates, some not carbohydrates, others just good carbohydrates, some just meats, some fruits and vegetables, some no dairy, and some not foods! So how do you know which diet and exercise program is right for you? How do you know which way to choose?
The answer is to let you know. All of these plans, to varying degrees, will produce some kind of success ... the key for you as a health conscious, caring for your body and specific needs, is to understand why each of these plans works. What is the effect of "good" carbohydrates on the body? What is the effect of "bad" carbohydrates? What happens, physiologically, if you are not eating carbohydrates, or just carbohydrates ... I want you to understand the importance of understanding why.
The truth is that there is a ton of information available and a ton of different ways to produce the desired results and lose as much weight as you want. The key is really to understand why a diet routine or exercise works. And maybe even more important is choosing a program that works for you. One solution that you think fits your nutritional needs according to your dietary preferences and another that will support the exercise program you choose to follow.
So keep in mind that Step 1 is to make yourself responsible, Step 2 is to understand why you eat and Step 3 to realize that there is no unique combination of foods or exercises that would produce results. Many different things can help you achieve your goals. The key is to understand why it works, then choose which one is right for you.
Your diet, the food you choose to eat, is a crucial step on the road to success in losing weight. As I said earlier, I think successful weight loss requires a combination of healthy nutrition principles and regular exercise. However, it seems that most of the information available suggests a correct combination of foods, or elimination of others, to successfully lose weight. I am here to tell you that this is not happening. You will be thin if you eat fewer calories than you spend. Clear and simple. But if you are not comfortable and apply the principles listed above, no matter what "diet" you choose, the success of weight loss will not ultimately be yours.
So how do you know which diet to choose? The answer is as simple as understanding your purpose and how you plan to achieve it. Do you want to lose weight? Will you do a lot of aerobics? Will you do a lot of anaerobic exercises? How often do you intend to practice? How active are you in your daily life outside of exercise?
Once you have successfully answered these questions, you can begin to determine the nutritional requirements for you, your body and your tastes. Depending on your performance and your goals, you need to consume an adequate amount of carbohydrates, fats and proteins to provide your body with enough nutrients. The key is to choose the healthiest foods that suit your tastes and meet your requirements. Diets are not one.
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for your body. They come in two forms. simple and complex. The complexes are starches of cereals and vegetables. Sucrose, lactose, fructose and glucose are simple examples. Regardless of the type of carbohydrate you eat, it is ALL converted to glucose, commonly known as blood glucose. The only difference between simple and complex carbohydrates is the speed at which your body digests them. The amount, timing and type of carbohydrates you consume should be based on your taste, appetite and goals.
Protein is another essential part of a healthy diet. Proteins do a lot more for the body than building muscle. Proteins in the body, as enzymes, perform many functions, including keeping your brain, heart, and digestive system functioning. The protein is composed of 20 different amino acids, 9 of which are considered "essential" amino acids. Essential because your body does not have the capacity to manufacture these 9 products, it must extract them from your diet. If you eat animal-based meals, you probably have nothing to fear. However, if you follow a vegetarian diet, you must make it worthy to eat the right combination of foods containing plant proteins that will provide your body with the 9 essential amino acids. So, how much protein do you need? Again, as with carbohydrates, the amount you need depends largely on your goals and your fitness.
Fats are often misunderstood. People are afraid of high-fat foods, they are always looking for "low" or "low fat" foods. When it comes to weight loss, they need to be much more careful about calories and the ingredients that make up them. he has fat. Fat tends to make people "fat" because it is very dense in calories. One gram of fat contains 9 calories, while one gram of carbohydrate or protein contains only four. There are different types of fat, some of which are good for health and some are not. We need, on average, 15 to 25 grams of fat per day to provide our body with adequate nutrition and to ensure we have enough fatty acids to absorb fat soluble fat. Your body can make saturated and monounsaturated fats from other foods you eat, but it can not make fatty acids, omega-6s and omega-3s. You must get them directly from the foods that contain them. These fatty acids are inserted into the tissues of your heart, brain and other vital organs and must be reconstituted with your diet.
Proper consumption of vitamins and minerals also plays an important role in a healthy diet. The bottom line is that there is no food you should have, no food that you should not eat to lose weight. The answer is to understand the demands of your body and fill them with healthy and complete foods, consumed moderately. Once you have determined which food is right for you, make a plan! Do not try for a week and go for something else. Knowledge, planning and consent are the keys to a successful diet strategy.
Exercise is as important a tool to lose weight as it is to maintain it. Indeed, exercise is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise will help you look and feel better. It will increase your energy, your motivation, your strength, your confidence and your self-confidence.
In addition to helping you look good and feel good, regular exercise reduces your risk of developing many diseases, health problems and cancers. It can improve the quality of your life.
People were planning to move! We have expensive skeletal, muscular, respiratory and cardiovascular systems that offer us great potential. Our body, like our mind, is capable of terrible things. People managed to climb 30,000 feet to the summit of Mount Everest. They participate in marathons, triathlons and sporting events that attract the attention of millions of people around the world. Everyone is capable of great things. Every human being has enormous potential. I am not saying that you have to climb a mountain or participate in a race, but I tell you that if you wish, you CAN do it. And exercise is the key.
In terms of weight loss, the type of exercise is not as important as the amount. You just have to go out and move. Run. To take a walk. Swim. Bicycle Jump Jump rope. Lifting weights. JUST MOVE!
Exercise speeds up weight loss and helps give you the body you want. You can lose weight by applying the above principles to your life, but you can only gain a strong, toned and healthy body through regular exercise, especially body culture. You cannot ignore or ignore this. If you want to lose weight and be healthy, and you're serious about it, get serious about starting an exercise program ... Today!
6. Compromise
To succeed in losing weight, you need to get involved in your program. After determining your specific needs and choosing a diet and exercise regime, you must INGAGE your program and you must commit 100%.
Note that if you followed the steps above, your success is guaranteed if you commit to the program. If you lose 1 pound. In a week, you have proven that you have the ability to lose weight. You have chosen a path that works and, hopefully, a path that you can keep out of life and that suits your specific needs. Your ability to lose 1 pound in one week goes up to 52 pounds in one year and 104 pounds in two years, etc.
As much weight as you need to lose, you can do it! But you need to get involved in the program first. You have to tell yourself that in any case you will respect your commitment and follow the path you have chosen until you reach your goal. Take part in your program!
This is perhaps the most important thing anyone can do to achieve weight loss. CONSULTANT, CONSISTENCY, CONSISTENCY! Have you ever asked someone what are the three most important things to the success of your business and you hear them say "place, place and place!" Well, for weight loss success, it's about "consistency, consistency and consistency!" It is not enough to take responsibility and find our reason and choose an attack plan, you need to be consistent. People who cannot lose weight try many things throughout the year, always looking for the "best" or "best" way to "lose weight" and constantly changing their plan of attack. Thin and healthy people consistently do the same thing and follow the same program day after day for years.
This point is so important. These are small changes in the wrong direction ... an accumulation of bad habits over the years that have been causing weight for most people. You do not wake up just one day with your weight, you do not wake up one day and do not have the body you want. But the good news is that the process MAY be reversed exactly the same way it was created. By making small changes in your life, in the right direction ... by accumulating good habits and practicing them daily, you will progress daily.
The important thing here is not to get discouraged ... agree with your plan. This means that if you go out to eat one night and eat a lot of calories, cocktails or anything, DO NOT ADD TO THIS DAY. It's gone yesterday, and what you need to do is just resume your daily routine, get back to the path you chose. By adding your way and more shifting to eating less or doing more exercise the next day after eating too much or skipping training, you will fall even further out of the way of consistency. Once in shape, healthy people give up one day and simply resume their normal diet the next day. They do not punish themselves and do not die of hunger. Everything is back to normal. Consistency is the rule. Are you starting to see what I'm talking about?
It is so important to choose a path, but even more important to stay on the path! Keep in mind that it is the accumulation of good and healthy habits that contributes to weight loss success, and the only way to accumulate it is to BE CONSISTENT!
Responsibility provides you with additional support in your journey to better health. This is where the help of a family member or professional can encourage you and help you stay motivated when you begin to have doubts. Being responsible for a program through another person ESSENTIAL to your success. Until you develop good eating habits and new ways of thinking about yourself, food and exercise, having someone else guide and help you through the process can make the difference between success and failure.
Find someone, coach, coach, friend or family member committed to you and your success. After taking responsibility for yourself, determining why you eat, choosing a pathway, determining your nutritional needs and devising a plan for your diet and exercise, find someone to take responsibility for. It's MUCH harder to skip training, cheat on your diet or lose consistency if someone expects to introduce you and train you.
The right person to hold you accountable is up to you. Just make sure that this is someone you trust, someone with sufficient knowledge of you and your goals and someone who will provide you with the right balance of encouragement, support and discipline that you need to achieve your goals.
This is an important part of the weight loss process and it is often diminished or omitted from the conventional weight loss methodology. I'm here to explain things to you. It won't happen overnight. It hasn't happened all at once, and it won't be "unfortunate" either.
I'm sorry to tell you about it, but I'm sure if you've ever tried unsuccessfully to lose weight, you'll probably begin to understand that ... NEVER ACCEPT. Programs or people who try to sell you or who tell you the opposite use it for your money, not for your success.
If that's not what I want to hear, I'm sorry. If you don't believe me, that's fine too. But how many times have you tried, how many different "fast" ways to lose weight, haven't you tried?
It is because it is a process. It is a lifestyle change. Neither a rapid change in your diet, nor a sudden elimination of a single food, nor an adoption of magical food. It's about learning to eat. How to think about foods, and how to incorporate healthy foods and diets into your life, your goals and how to keep it in time.
Healthy and sustainable weight loss occurs at a rate of between 1 and 2 pounds per week. That is true. Probably not what you wanted to hear. But it's the truth. A book may seem little. But the amazing thing is that if you keep it for a year, BE CONSTANT on the path you have chosen for a year and convert 1 lb to 52 lb. 104lbs in two years. Do you see what I'm getting at here?
Accept that it takes time. You will not see success overnight, but do not be discouraged. That 1 lb you lost if you applied the above principles is GONE FOREVER. Do not get discouraged ... BE EXECUTIVE to your 1 lb loss! If you can lose 1 lb in a week, then you just have to prove that EVERYONE can lose ANY weight song you want! Realize this. Understand this. Know that. BELIEVE THAT Be consistent, accept the time, pay attention to the price and YOU LOSE THE PEOPLE!
If you have outlined the 9 principles above, the last thing you need to achieve your weight loss goal is to believe that you can do it. This can be difficult, especially if you've tried several times, maybe several times, without seeing results or seeing the weight come back.
But I want you to know that if you take the 10 principles listed here and apply them to your life, YOU CAN lose weight and keep it. But you must believe in yourself. You must know, deep in your heart, that you can do it. You have taken responsibility for your actions. You understand why you eat. You have chosen a path based on your diet and exercise preferences and needs, and you understand that there is NO GOOD WAY to lose weight. You have committed to your program and you have agreed to be CONSENT. You have found someone to take charge of your program and you know it will take time to reach your goals, but you CAN do it. Now ... believe in yourself !!!
You have the ability to lose as much weight as you want. You can choose to become the person you want! Below are your keys to gain weight and maintain it. Your success will depend on you and how you apply these principles honestly in your life.
Why do you think it is?
I believe that successful weight loss is based on a combination of the principles of rational nutrition and regular exercise. Sounds easy, doesn't it? But here's the catch ... THIS IS THE ONLY SPACE FOR EXAMINATION LOSS. So what are the hidden reasons? Why does it seem that some people eat what they want and stay lean as a rail, and for some people, no matter what they try or whatever, they can't get results?
I have created for you a list of principles that, if taken to heart and applied to your life, will produce extraordinary results. Here is the list of the keys to losing weight and keeping it for good.
Now remember ... I can provide the knowledge, but it is up to YOU to take the necessary action. In Emmerson's words, "Good thoughts are no better than good dreams, unless they are fulfilled." In other words, it's not enough to know these weight loss secrets, you need to APPLY them to your life. I cannot stress the importance of this seemingly simple step.
Calm down, no one will do it for you. You went where you are now and you have the power to reverse the situation and put yourself where and to whom you want to be. But what is amazing and amazing is that you have the strength to change. I repeat ... YOU HAVE THE POWER to change. Know it, understand it and live it, and I guarantee your success in weight loss or any other business you choose to practice in life.
It seems that many people want to blame their current situation on anyone, or something other than themselves. Whether it is about finances, relationships, work, family or health, people sometimes tend to create external reasons for our problems. If you ever find yourself saying, "If only so and so did it differently, I could have ..." or "If only I had that, I could ..." or something like that, I suggest you Stop and look at the a real reason why you don't have exactly what you want in your life. Is it because of other people and circumstances, or is it the real reason for your lack of action or purpose?
Now I realize that this can be a difficult thing, and I do not mean that everything in every person's life is the result of a lack of action. I understand that circumstances such as the death of a loved one or the diagnosis of a terminal illness can be devastating events in a person's life and may not be fully linked to a lack of action.
What I do suggest though is that you have the ability to respond to every situation in your life and make the most of it. I say that you have the power to choose how you interpret the events and circumstances of your life. If you choose to be a victim, that is exactly what you will be. If you choose to blame others or motivate your inability to lose weight, you are NOT responsible for yourself or your life and I guarantee you will not lose weight!
If you've ever said, "I just don't have the time to exercise ... I don't like healthy foods ... no matter what I try, I can't lose weight ... just according to my genes being heavy", or something like that, so just stop!
I have news for you, my friends. You have the time, you just don’t choose to do it. You can enjoy healthy foods, you just choose not to try, because you like the taste of unhealthy foods. You have not tried everything to lose weight, and if you choose a sensible diet and you are against it, you could and would like to lose weight. And regardless of the size of your parents, brother, sister, aunt or uncle, I guarantee that you have the strength to give your waist the exact look you want.
The first step is to stop looking for excuses and start taking responsibility for your current physical condition, and realize that you have created this situation, but more importantly, YOU CAN CHANGE, CREATE A NEW SITUATION, AND LIFE AND GOOD WILL! !!
This is one of the most important steps to losing weight without recreating it .... the great Why. Why do you eat? I don't want to offend anyone, but I guess if you're overweight, you're not only eating because you're hungry, but for a variety of other reasons as well. Many people eat because they are bored or tired, or they are just used to eating when they get home from work, watching TV in the evening or going out with friends. The list goes on and on. more.
For many people, eating is a deeply emotional and psychological problem. People face painful experiences, past or present, and insecurities in their lives while eating. Food as a convenience. This is one of the most destructive patterns a person can have, and it goes directly against the success of weight loss.
I'm not suggesting you know exactly why you eat, but I invite you, as painfully as it is, to really spend time with yourself and identify why you eat at what time of day. you feel when you eat and what emotions you feel when you eat too much. By doing this, you will unlock a door that many people are never near. I cannot stress the importance of this step. Until you determine HOW you eat, you won't be able to solve the problem.
So the first step is to take responsibility, realizing that you have the power to change, and the second step is to understand why you eat.
As you probably know, there is a wealth of information on diets, proper nutrition, weight loss, strength training and everything else you may want to know about health and fitness. Some claim to have low carbohydrates, some not carbohydrates, others just good carbohydrates, some just meats, some fruits and vegetables, some no dairy, and some not foods! So how do you know which diet and exercise program is right for you? How do you know which way to choose?
The answer is to let you know. All of these plans, to varying degrees, will produce some kind of success ... the key for you as a health conscious, caring for your body and specific needs, is to understand why each of these plans works. What is the effect of "good" carbohydrates on the body? What is the effect of "bad" carbohydrates? What happens, physiologically, if you are not eating carbohydrates, or just carbohydrates ... I want you to understand the importance of understanding why.
The truth is that there is a ton of information available and a ton of different ways to produce the desired results and lose as much weight as you want. The key is really to understand why a diet routine or exercise works. And maybe even more important is choosing a program that works for you. One solution that you think fits your nutritional needs according to your dietary preferences and another that will support the exercise program you choose to follow.
So keep in mind that Step 1 is to make yourself responsible, Step 2 is to understand why you eat and Step 3 to realize that there is no unique combination of foods or exercises that would produce results. Many different things can help you achieve your goals. The key is to understand why it works, then choose which one is right for you.
Your diet, the food you choose to eat, is a crucial step on the road to success in losing weight. As I said earlier, I think successful weight loss requires a combination of healthy nutrition principles and regular exercise. However, it seems that most of the information available suggests a correct combination of foods, or elimination of others, to successfully lose weight. I am here to tell you that this is not happening. You will be thin if you eat fewer calories than you spend. Clear and simple. But if you are not comfortable and apply the principles listed above, no matter what "diet" you choose, the success of weight loss will not ultimately be yours.
So how do you know which diet to choose? The answer is as simple as understanding your purpose and how you plan to achieve it. Do you want to lose weight? Will you do a lot of aerobics? Will you do a lot of anaerobic exercises? How often do you intend to practice? How active are you in your daily life outside of exercise?
Once you have successfully answered these questions, you can begin to determine the nutritional requirements for you, your body and your tastes. Depending on your performance and your goals, you need to consume an adequate amount of carbohydrates, fats and proteins to provide your body with enough nutrients. The key is to choose the healthiest foods that suit your tastes and meet your requirements. Diets are not one.
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for your body. They come in two forms. simple and complex. The complexes are starches of cereals and vegetables. Sucrose, lactose, fructose and glucose are simple examples. Regardless of the type of carbohydrate you eat, it is ALL converted to glucose, commonly known as blood glucose. The only difference between simple and complex carbohydrates is the speed at which your body digests them. The amount, timing and type of carbohydrates you consume should be based on your taste, appetite and goals.
Protein is another essential part of a healthy diet. Proteins do a lot more for the body than building muscle. Proteins in the body, as enzymes, perform many functions, including keeping your brain, heart, and digestive system functioning. The protein is composed of 20 different amino acids, 9 of which are considered "essential" amino acids. Essential because your body does not have the capacity to manufacture these 9 products, it must extract them from your diet. If you eat animal-based meals, you probably have nothing to fear. However, if you follow a vegetarian diet, you must make it worthy to eat the right combination of foods containing plant proteins that will provide your body with the 9 essential amino acids. So, how much protein do you need? Again, as with carbohydrates, the amount you need depends largely on your goals and your fitness.
Fats are often misunderstood. People are afraid of high-fat foods, they are always looking for "low" or "low fat" foods. When it comes to weight loss, they need to be much more careful about calories and the ingredients that make up them. he has fat. Fat tends to make people "fat" because it is very dense in calories. One gram of fat contains 9 calories, while one gram of carbohydrate or protein contains only four. There are different types of fat, some of which are good for health and some are not. We need, on average, 15 to 25 grams of fat per day to provide our body with adequate nutrition and to ensure we have enough fatty acids to absorb fat soluble fat. Your body can make saturated and monounsaturated fats from other foods you eat, but it can not make fatty acids, omega-6s and omega-3s. You must get them directly from the foods that contain them. These fatty acids are inserted into the tissues of your heart, brain and other vital organs and must be reconstituted with your diet.
Proper consumption of vitamins and minerals also plays an important role in a healthy diet. The bottom line is that there is no food you should have, no food that you should not eat to lose weight. The answer is to understand the demands of your body and fill them with healthy and complete foods, consumed moderately. Once you have determined which food is right for you, make a plan! Do not try for a week and go for something else. Knowledge, planning and consent are the keys to a successful diet strategy.
Exercise is as important a tool to lose weight as it is to maintain it. Indeed, exercise is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise will help you look and feel better. It will increase your energy, your motivation, your strength, your confidence and your self-confidence.
In addition to helping you look good and feel good, regular exercise reduces your risk of developing many diseases, health problems and cancers. It can improve the quality of your life.
People were planning to move! We have expensive skeletal, muscular, respiratory and cardiovascular systems that offer us great potential. Our body, like our mind, is capable of terrible things. People managed to climb 30,000 feet to the summit of Mount Everest. They participate in marathons, triathlons and sporting events that attract the attention of millions of people around the world. Everyone is capable of great things. Every human being has enormous potential. I am not saying that you have to climb a mountain or participate in a race, but I tell you that if you wish, you CAN do it. And exercise is the key.
In terms of weight loss, the type of exercise is not as important as the amount. You just have to go out and move. Run. To take a walk. Swim. Bicycle Jump Jump rope. Lifting weights. JUST MOVE!
Exercise speeds up weight loss and helps give you the body you want. You can lose weight by applying the above principles to your life, but you can only gain a strong, toned and healthy body through regular exercise, especially body culture. You cannot ignore or ignore this. If you want to lose weight and be healthy, and you're serious about it, get serious about starting an exercise program ... Today!
6. Compromise
To succeed in losing weight, you need to get involved in your program. After determining your specific needs and choosing a diet and exercise regime, you must INGAGE your program and you must commit 100%.
Note that if you followed the steps above, your success is guaranteed if you commit to the program. If you lose 1 pound. In a week, you have proven that you have the ability to lose weight. You have chosen a path that works and, hopefully, a path that you can keep out of life and that suits your specific needs. Your ability to lose 1 pound in one week goes up to 52 pounds in one year and 104 pounds in two years, etc.
As much weight as you need to lose, you can do it! But you need to get involved in the program first. You have to tell yourself that in any case you will respect your commitment and follow the path you have chosen until you reach your goal. Take part in your program!
This is perhaps the most important thing anyone can do to achieve weight loss. CONSULTANT, CONSISTENCY, CONSISTENCY! Have you ever asked someone what are the three most important things to the success of your business and you hear them say "place, place and place!" Well, for weight loss success, it's about "consistency, consistency and consistency!" It is not enough to take responsibility and find our reason and choose an attack plan, you need to be consistent. People who cannot lose weight try many things throughout the year, always looking for the "best" or "best" way to "lose weight" and constantly changing their plan of attack. Thin and healthy people consistently do the same thing and follow the same program day after day for years.
This point is so important. These are small changes in the wrong direction ... an accumulation of bad habits over the years that have been causing weight for most people. You do not wake up just one day with your weight, you do not wake up one day and do not have the body you want. But the good news is that the process MAY be reversed exactly the same way it was created. By making small changes in your life, in the right direction ... by accumulating good habits and practicing them daily, you will progress daily.
The important thing here is not to get discouraged ... agree with your plan. This means that if you go out to eat one night and eat a lot of calories, cocktails or anything, DO NOT ADD TO THIS DAY. It's gone yesterday, and what you need to do is just resume your daily routine, get back to the path you chose. By adding your way and more shifting to eating less or doing more exercise the next day after eating too much or skipping training, you will fall even further out of the way of consistency. Once in shape, healthy people give up one day and simply resume their normal diet the next day. They do not punish themselves and do not die of hunger. Everything is back to normal. Consistency is the rule. Are you starting to see what I'm talking about?
It is so important to choose a path, but even more important to stay on the path! Keep in mind that it is the accumulation of good and healthy habits that contributes to weight loss success, and the only way to accumulate it is to BE CONSISTENT!
Responsibility provides you with additional support in your journey to better health. This is where the help of a family member or professional can encourage you and help you stay motivated when you begin to have doubts. Being responsible for a program through another person ESSENTIAL to your success. Until you develop good eating habits and new ways of thinking about yourself, food and exercise, having someone else guide and help you through the process can make the difference between success and failure.
Find someone, coach, coach, friend or family member committed to you and your success. After taking responsibility for yourself, determining why you eat, choosing a pathway, determining your nutritional needs and devising a plan for your diet and exercise, find someone to take responsibility for. It's MUCH harder to skip training, cheat on your diet or lose consistency if someone expects to introduce you and train you.
The right person to hold you accountable is up to you. Just make sure that this is someone you trust, someone with sufficient knowledge of you and your goals and someone who will provide you with the right balance of encouragement, support and discipline that you need to achieve your goals.
This is an important part of the weight loss process and it is often diminished or omitted from the conventional weight loss methodology. I'm here to explain things to you. It won't happen overnight. It hasn't happened all at once, and it won't be "unfortunate" either.
I'm sorry to tell you about it, but I'm sure if you've ever tried unsuccessfully to lose weight, you'll probably begin to understand that ... NEVER ACCEPT. Programs or people who try to sell you or who tell you the opposite use it for your money, not for your success.
If that's not what I want to hear, I'm sorry. If you don't believe me, that's fine too. But how many times have you tried, how many different "fast" ways to lose weight, haven't you tried?
It is because it is a process. It is a lifestyle change. Neither a rapid change in your diet, nor a sudden elimination of a single food, nor an adoption of magical food. It's about learning to eat. How to think about foods, and how to incorporate healthy foods and diets into your life, your goals and how to keep it in time.
Healthy and sustainable weight loss occurs at a rate of between 1 and 2 pounds per week. That is true. Probably not what you wanted to hear. But it's the truth. A book may seem little. But the amazing thing is that if you keep it for a year, BE CONSTANT on the path you have chosen for a year and convert 1 lb to 52 lb. 104lbs in two years. Do you see what I'm getting at here?
Accept that it takes time. You will not see success overnight, but do not be discouraged. That 1 lb you lost if you applied the above principles is GONE FOREVER. Do not get discouraged ... BE EXECUTIVE to your 1 lb loss! If you can lose 1 lb in a week, then you just have to prove that EVERYONE can lose ANY weight song you want! Realize this. Understand this. Know that. BELIEVE THAT Be consistent, accept the time, pay attention to the price and YOU LOSE THE PEOPLE!
If you have outlined the 9 principles above, the last thing you need to achieve your weight loss goal is to believe that you can do it. This can be difficult, especially if you've tried several times, maybe several times, without seeing results or seeing the weight come back.
But I want you to know that if you take the 10 principles listed here and apply them to your life, YOU CAN lose weight and keep it. But you must believe in yourself. You must know, deep in your heart, that you can do it. You have taken responsibility for your actions. You understand why you eat. You have chosen a path based on your diet and exercise preferences and needs, and you understand that there is NO GOOD WAY to lose weight. You have committed to your program and you have agreed to be CONSENT. You have found someone to take charge of your program and you know it will take time to reach your goals, but you CAN do it. Now ... believe in yourself !!!
You have the ability to lose as much weight as you want. You can choose to become the person you want! Below are your keys to gain weight and maintain it. Your success will depend on you and how you apply these principles honestly in your life.